Sabtu, 02 Maret 2019


Image result for media hukum indonesiaFrom : The White House <>To: <>Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 07:04:20 +0700    Subject: An inside look at President Trump’s Hanoi summit

An inside look at President Trump’s Hanoi summit

Gambar mungkin berisi: 2 orang, strip
Twelve hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time in Hanoi, Vietnam, President Donald J. Trump is preparing now for his second day of talks with Chairman Kim Jong Un. The President’s first full day in Hanoi included both a one-on-one conversation and dinner with the North Korean leader.
“I think that your country has tremendous economic potential,” President Trump told Chairman Kim. If North Korea continues to choose engagement with the United States and honors its commitments to denuclearize, the future for its people can be bright. “I look forward to watching it happen,” President Trump said. “And we will help it to happen.”
Gambar mungkin berisi: 2 orang, orang duduk dan tabel

Earlier in the day, President Trump met with President Nguyen Phu Trong of Vietnam—and delivered on another crucial promise to American voters.
More than 83,000 American jobs will be supported by new commercial trade deals between Vietnamese airlines and American companies. President Trump, alongside President Trong, participated in the signing of a plan this morning that agrees to the purchase of new planes, engines, and services from U.S. manufacturers. The agreements are worth more than $21 billion in sum.
“We appreciate very much that you’re reducing the trade deficit with the United States, which was very substantial before I got here,” President Trump told Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. “And now we’re bringing it down with great orders like the orders that you made today.”
Gambar mungkin berisi: 4 orang

What Nicolas Maduro doesn’t want you to see

Report: Univision anchor Jorge Ramos freed in Venezuela
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, an American citizen, and five members of his team were detained and later released in Venezuela on Monday by Nicolas Maduro. The reason? Maduro “didn’t like the questions” he was being asked, Univision reports.
Maduro blocks aid from entering Venezuela
What didn’t Maduro want the world to see when he detained these journalists and seized Ramos’ equipment? The answer is that while Venezuelans starve and are forced to scavenge in garbage trucks for food, Maduro’s thugs are setting fire to aid supplies.
The walls are closing in on the dictatorship in Caracas.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump is greeted by Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, for their second summit meeting | February 27, 2019
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