Senin, 25 Februari 2019


Image result for media hukum indonesiaTo : <>Date : Wed, 20 Feb 2019 07:04:59 +0700  Subject : Socialism is about power, not equality

Socialism Is About Power, Not Equality

Image result for President Trump Delivers Remarks to the Venezuelan American Community
A crowd of Venezuelan Americans stood before President Donald J. Trump in Miami yesterday, cheering as he put America squarely on the side of those fighting for freedom. “We’re here to proclaim a new day is coming in Latin America,” he said. “In Venezuela and across the western hemisphere, socialism is dying and liberty, prosperity, and democracy are being reborn.”
His message to Nicolas Maduro: “Let your people go.”
American leadership is making the difference. The United States and more than 50 countries across the world have recognized the rightful government of Venezuela. “Within 30 minutes, the United States was proud to be the first nation in the world to recognize President [Juan] Guaido” as the country’s interim leader, President Trump said.
Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua offer a lesson to the world: Socialism always promises unity but delivers division and hatred. It promises a better future—and inevitably returns to the darkest chapters of the past. Not long ago, Venezuela was the richest country in South America. Today, after its tyrannical government nationalized industries and took over private business, nearly 90 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty.
Image result for President Trump Delivers Remarks to the Venezuelan American Community GIF
Americans know this history well, having witnessed socialism destroy countries throughout the 20th century. Nearly three-fifths of Americans have an unfavorable view of socialism; a majority have a favorable view of capitalism. Support for far-left schemes such as Medicare-for-All has plummeted as voters learn more about what’s in it. The extremist “Green New Deal” is beginning to suffer the same fate.

“We know that socialism is not about justice. It’s not about equality; it’s not about lifting up the poor,” President Trump said yesterday. “Socialism is about one thing only: power for the ruling class. And the more power they get, the more they crave . . . All of us here today know that there is nothing less democratic than socialism.”

The Space Force is Here

Image result for President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for Space Policy Directive 4
President Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4 this afternoon, marking a bold step toward American space dominance by setting in motion the process of creating a U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of our Armed Forces.
The Directive calls on the Secretary of Defense to develop a legislative proposal for the Space Force, embodying President Trump’s vision for keeping Americans safe:
  • Strengthen America’s ability to compete—and win—in an increasingly contested domain
  • Organize, train, and equip our space warfighters with next-generation capabilities
  • Maximize successful warfighting capability while minimizing bureaucracy
Peace through strength has been President Trump’s foreign policy since day one, and this newest frontier is no exception. The United States is the best in space, and our adversaries know it. They want to restrict our access there to undermine our strategic advantage. With the U.S. Space Force up and running, that won’t happen.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks
President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks to the Venezuelan-American community at Florida International University | February 18, 2019
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