Rabu, 26 Desember 2018


Hasil gambar untuk logo media hukum indonesiaTo : <>Date : Wed, 19 Dec 2018 09:07:56 +0700
Subject : As 2018 closes, 6 big priorities at the White House

As 2018 closes, 6 big priorities at the White House

Hasil gambar untuk As 2018 closes, 6 big priorities at the White HouseFrom day one, President Donald J. Trump pledged not to rest until he delivered on his promise to fix Washington. That commitment doesn’t take a break for the holidays.
From border security and school safety to reinvigorating America’s space program, here’s an inside look at six big priorities the Administration is working on this week:
  • Keeping our kids safe: After the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida, President Trump established the School Safety Commission to make recommendations on how to prevent violence in our schools. Today, the Commission released its final 180-page report. Get the facts and see their recommendations.
  • Reforming our prisons: Historic, bipartisan criminal justice reform is moving closer to President Trump’s desk. “Our whole Nation benefits if former inmates are able to reenter society as productive, law-abiding citizens,” the President says. Why he supports the First Step Act.
  • Delivering for American farmers: This week, President Trump plans to sign another important piece of bipartisan legislation—the 2018 “farm bill,” which will strengthen American agriculture. “Our economy is stronger than ever–we stand with our Farmers!” the President tweeted this week.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump take their Official Christmas Portrait in the Cross Hall of the White House | December 15, 2018
THE WHITE HOUSE Gambar terkait MHI Hasil gambar untuk logo media hukum indonesia

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