Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018


WHRTo : <>Date : Fri, 17 Aug 2018 22:39:50 +0700   Subject : ‘Made in America’—the results so far

‘Made in America’—the results so far

American Flag

President Donald J. Trump ran for office on a simple idea. Too many politicians, especially on the left, insisted that America must adjust to a new age of slow growth and declining influence. Instead, the President innately understood Charles Krauthammer’s words—delivered in 2009—to be true: Decline is a choice.”
Hasil gambar untuk Made in America: Businesses and Workers are Thriving Under President Donald J. Trump
So is American renewal. Better trade deals open markets for American farmers and protect American workers. Lower taxes on families and employers reinvigorate American businesses. Fewer regulations put more power back into the hands of American citizens and their local governments.
Hasil gambar untuk President Trump in Granite City: "America is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!" / GIF
There’s another key ingredient: “We want to make more products and say ‘Made in America’,” the President says. “‘Made in the USA’ is a global symbol” of excellence.
Hasil gambar untuk President Trump in Granite City: "America is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!"
Now, America is making things again. Almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost under the previous Administration; more than 400,000 have been added since President Trump was elected. The latest jobs report reveals that 37,000 manufacturing jobs were created last month alone.
Hasil gambar untuk President Trump in Granite City: "America is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!" / GIF
Manufacturing wages are expected to rise at the fastest rate in more than 18 years. Evident in this hiring and wage surge is soaring confidence among American producers. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, 95 percent of manufacturers have a positive outlook on their companies—the highest on record.

Aretha Franklin, 1942–2018

Hasil gambar untuk President Trump delivers a statement on the passing of Aretha Franklin.

As news of the legendary soul singer Aretha Franklin’s death broke yesterday, President Trump spoke about her legacy at the top of his Cabinet meeting.
Hasil gambar untuk President Trump delivers a statement on the passing of Aretha Franklin.
“I want to begin today by expressing my condolences to the family of a person I knew well,” he said. “She’s brought joy to millions of lives, and her extraordinary legacy will thrive and inspire many generations to come. She was given a great gift from God: her voice. And she used it well.”

‘Obamacare forgot about you. But Trump didn’t.’

Hasil gambar untuk (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar about Obamacare
“For all the discussion of Obamacare since its passage, it is too rarely known that the law effectively split the United States’ individual insurance market in two,” Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar wrote this week. On one side are those with subsidies; on the other are Americans who must bear the full cost of their coverage.
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“In other words, Obamacare has forced unsubsidized Americans to choose between unaffordable insurance and no insurance at all,” the Secretary continued.
The Trump Administration is providing relief for millions of Americans burdened with Obamacare’s rising premiums. Recently, HHS expanded an affordable insurance option to give customers more choice, allowing them to buy short-term, limited-duration insurance for up to a year.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen
President Donald J. Trump holds a Cabinet meeting | August 16, 2018.


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