Senin, 30 Juli 2018




Ivanka Trump: Training for the Jobs of Tomorrow

Hasil gambar untuk Ivanka Trump: Training for the Jobs of Tomorrow
The Wall Street Journal
This week, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to “prioritize and expand workforce development so that we can create and fill American jobs with American workers,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes. “It is time to deliver better workforce training so that all Americans have the chance to move into better jobs and earn bigger paychecks,” Ms. Trump says.
With more companies expanding, hiring and raising wages, it is time to deliver better workforce training so that all Americans have the chance to move into better jobs and earn bigger paychecks. Already this administration has taken action to expand apprenticeships, increase access to STEM education for K-12 students, and help 11 million students and workers by working with Congress to pass an improved Perkins Career and Technical Education bill.

‘Best Professor.’ ‘Very Evenhanded.’ ‘Great Hair!’: Brett Kavanaugh, as Seen by His Law Students

The New York Times
“Anonymous evaluations of professors by their students can be caustic or catty. But they are also unfailingly candid,” Adam Liptak writes. “In 12 sets of evaluations spanning 700 pages, there was almost only glowing praise for Judge Kavanaugh’s teaching. More than a few students said he was the most impressive law school professor they had encountered.”
Judge Kavanaugh taught once at Georgetown and once at Yale but did most of his teaching at Harvard, where he was hired by Justice Elena Kagan, who was the law school’s dean before her appointment first as solicitor general and then as a Supreme Court justice by President Barack Obama. Some Harvard students said his class attracted a larger than usual proportion of conservative students, particularly in the early years.
“There was a heavy Federalist Society tilt in the enrollment of the class,” one student wrote, “but Judge Kavanaugh’s presentation seemed very evenhanded.”
Another student agreed. “While most of the class shared rather conservative views,” the student wrote, “the judge presented the other side quite well, even though he likely shared most of those conservative views.” The student added that “many of the HLS professors could learn from his acceptance of views across the political spectrum.”A second-year student in 2014 wrote that Judge Kavanaugh “let his personal ideology bleed into his teaching a bit (but tried to pay attention and correct for that, which was great).”
In fact, a major complaint from his students was about the textbook he used, with students saying it was “biased,” “very slanted” and “far left.” Judge Kavanaugh told them that it was the only one that covered the relevant materials.
More than 700 current and former law students at Yale signed an open letter chastising the law school’s administration for issuing a news releasenoting his nomination and gathering positive comments from faculty members.
“Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination,” the letter said, “presents an emergency — for democratic life, for our safety and freedom, for the future of our country.”
The law school’s news release concerning Judge Kavanaugh was similar to earlier ones issued after other alumni were nominated to high positions, including Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
A second open letter, signed by more than 300 current and former students, wrote that Judge Kavanaugh “has been a valuable friend to the Yale community” and was “eminently qualified to serve as a Supreme Court justice.”

Employers Commit to Train 3.8 Million Workers Under Trump Executive Order

Hasil gambar untuk Employers commit to train 3.8 million workers under Trump executive order
“A group of business leaders have committed to train 3.8 million workers with in-demand job skills over the next five years under an executive order on job creation signed by President Donald Trump Thursday,” Katie Lobosco reports. The executive order also establishes the National Council for the American Worker, which will develop “a national strategy to train Americans for the skills they need to fill open jobs now and in the future.”
The order also created the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board that will bring together governors with business executives and educators.
There are currently more job openings than unemployed workers in the US, and companies are having a hard time finding enough workers with the right skills. Many new jobs require more than a high school education, but not necessarily a four-year degree.
Hasil gambar untuk Employers commit to train 3.8 million workers under Trump executive order
“America’s vocational education, whether for high school students …. or for mid- to late- career workers should be just as innovative, dynamic and successful as our people,” Ivanka Trump said at a press conference Thursday. The president’s daughter, a senior White House adviser, is leading the White House’s efforts on workforce development.
Many of the companies already have training programs in place. IBM, for example, created a career and technical education model now used at 79 high schools across the country. The model, called P-Tech, was touted by Trump Thursday. Students can enroll for grades 9 to 14 and earn both a high school and an associate’s degree in a science, tech, engineering or math related field.
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The 3.8 million additional training opportunities are beyond what companies already have in place.
The government currently helps fund 40 job training programs spread across 14 agencies. The White House has proposed a plan to “reorganize and consolidate” the $17 billion it spends on those programs.

Rand Paul: Trump Is Right to Meet Putin

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are pictured. | Getty Images
Politico Magazine
“America needs fewer enemies. What’s wrong with reducing tensions?” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) asks after the left criticized President Trump’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
I disagree. Dialogue is especially important when hundreds of millions of lives are at stake, as is the case in relations between the United States and nuclear-armed Russia. So I applaud Trump for both chiding our NATO allies and greeting its expansion with skepticism, and I applaud him for sitting down with Putin. We should be doing more of such self-examination and dialogue.
Throughout history, including during the height of the Cold War, both sides maintained constant dialogue and communications. Even during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we had diplomatic relations and constant communications.
Hasil gambar untuk SEN. RAND PAUL : Trump Is Right to Meet Putin
“I am thankful that Trump is once again willing to go against the political elite in Washington and keep the lines of communication to Moscow open.”
In just a few weeks, I will take my own trip to Russia in an attempt to discuss common ground with their leaders and help prevent further, unnecessary escalation of tensions. We will discuss trade, cultural exchanges and how to better work for peace and prosperity in the world. I look forward to consulting with Trump between his visit and mine and to working with diplomats from both countries to have a successful trip and better relationships. Millions of lives could be at stake.

Victims of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Land in ICU After Putin Freakout – Here’s My Prescription

Hasil gambar untuk Trump attempts to extinguish criticism for Russia remarks
-Fox News
“Sadly, the media had little interest in delving into important issues that Presidents Trump and Putin discussed, including nuclear nonproliferation, destroying ISIS, ending the civil war in Syria, preventing Iran from building atomic bombs, and the security of Israel,” David Bossie writes. “Reporters could barely acknowledge the positive sight of former Cold War adversaries talking about peace and areas of agreement.”
Instead, like hunters searching for the Holy Grail, the Abominable Snowman, Bigfoot or a herd of unicorns, reporters at the summit were determined to prove the existence of something that doesn’t exist – a grand conspiracy orchestrated by the Kremlin that put Donald Trump in the Oval Office.To help quell the hysteria over one word he said at his summit press conference, President Trump clarified Tuesday that he misspoke when he appeared to indicate he was uncertain about whether Russia meddled in the 2016 election campaign.
President Trump’s political opponents are behaving like a rudderless mob, void of policy ideas, and hell-bent on provoking a confrontation. President Trump, on the other hand, tried to lower the temperature and manage expectations heading into the summit and following the meeting.
Trump – the businessman, negotiator, and change agent – labeled Putin a “competitor” and stated quite reasonably that he’s a believer in diplomacy and meeting with world leaders. That’s a positive shift from some of the icy foreign policy positions taken by the United States in the recent past that prevented a dialogue between the two nations with the most nuclear weapons.
Unfortunately, it’s all too clear that the left has no interest in seeing America succeed under President Trump. Hillary Clinton – still not over losing the supposedly “unlosable” election to Trump in 2016 – even attacked the president in a tweet before the summit by questioning his loyalty to the nation he is so proud to lead.

Trump’s Aluminum Tariffs Restore a Crucial Industry and Protect American Jobs

Hasil gambar untuk Trump's aluminum tariffs restore a crucial industry and protect American jobs
Washington Examiner
Despite sour predictions, America’s economy is booming since President Trump implemented steel and aluminum tariffs, industry executives Jesse Gary and Bob Prusak write.Before the president took this historic action, subsidized overproduction by state-owned producers in places like India, Russia, the Middle East, and China had forced smelters across the United States to close and cost over 8,000 American aluminum workers their jobs between 2003 and 2017. This ravaged small, rural communities in America’s heartland and threatened U.S. national security.
To put faces and names to the revitalization of America’s primary aluminum industry, one only has to hear the story of Dusty Stevens, a potline superintendent at Century’s Hawesville smelter. Dusty’s father and brother lost their jobs at the smelter due to foreign countries cheating the system. But Dusty recently stood with Trump as he signed the proclamation to impose tariffs, giving hope to the Stevens family. If you travel down Route 60 from Hawesville to Marston, Missouri, Derrick Cummins will explain how three generations of his family have jobs again after Trump’s tariffs allowed the Marston smelter to restart.
Hasil gambar untuk Trump's aluminum tariffs restore a crucial industry and protect American jobs
Unfortunately, the Stevens and Cummins families, and thousands of hardworking Americans like them, now face a new threat right here at home as special interests seek to restrict the president’s ability to negotiate better trade deals and protect our national security interests. Rather than attacking the president’s actions to follow through on his campaign promises to put American workers first and protect our national security, these special interests should be fighting the illegal retaliatory actions on American products imposed by the EU, China, and others. As U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and other experts have clearly shown, these foreign actions are illegal under World Trade Organization rules. These foreign governments should be called on to immediately comply with the very rules they claim to champion and immediately cease their illegal retaliatory tariffs.
Thanks to Trump’s bold actions, the future is bright for the American aluminum industry.“American aluminum workers can feel confident that Trump will continue to stand up to countries that cheat as we work together to create more American jobs and revitalize the American aluminum industry,” they explain.

We Must Close the Skills Gap to Secure Our Future

-Fox News
“At Lockheed Martin, we are proud to answer the president’s call for comprehensive workforce development,” Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson writes. “That’s why we are pledging to create 8,000 apprenticeship and workforce development opportunities over the next 5 years.”
These efforts will focus on closing the skills gap at every link in the workforce – from those still in high school to those joining our industry after serving in our armed forces.  And, just as important, we are targeting outreach and initiatives to help those who are at risk of being displaced by new dynamics in the marketplace.
For this reason, we will be investing $100 million to expand employee training and educational opportunities to help workers upgrade their skills. Of this investment $5 million will go directly to vocational and trade programs – those typically forgotten in discussions about developing a 21st century workforce.Even as we take on these commitments, we will continue to strongly promote STEM education for students.
We are increasing our investments in STEM programs by $50 million over the next five years for scholarships and programs that will help students pursue and succeed in the STEM disciplines.So, now is the time to act across every sector to ensure that every worker has an opportunity to grow, achieve, improve, train, and excel over the entirety of their careers – regardless of where they start, where they work, or how high they aspire to go.

Help Is at Hand for Palestinians. It’s All up to Hamas.

Hasil gambar untuk Help is at hand for Palestinians. It̢۪s all up to Hamas.
The Washington Post
“The nightmare of Hamas’s leadership is continuing and needlessly prolonging the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza,” write Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner, Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “Life could significantly improve in short order for the Palestinian people if Hamas allowed it.”
Despite the billions of dollars invested for the benefit of Palestinians.The EU announced its own plan at the emergency meeting on Gaza, presenting a $53 million fund to ‘preserve the Palestinian character’ of E. Jerusalem and a future Palestinian state.

Poll Favors Confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

In this July 12, 2018, photo, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is shown before meeting with Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
The Washington Times
Dave Boyer reports that “a plurality of voters supports the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, including nearly one in five Democrats,” according to a new Morning Consult/POLITICO survey found that 40 percent of voters want the Senate to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, while 28 percent don’t want him confirmed.
The breakdown falls largely along partisan lines; 71 percent of Republicans favor Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, while only 17 percent of Democrats say the same.
Judge Kavanaugh is meeting Wednesday with Sen. Mike Lee, Utah Republican and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He has met with more than 15 GOP senators as Republicans look to schedule a confirmation hearing in late August.
The survey was conducted July 13-14 among 1,991 voters.Nearly half of those polled, 48 percent, say senators should vote based on the nominee’s qualifications, while 32 percent say they should vote based on a nominee’s own political and social stances. In the survey, 57 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans say Supreme Court justices should uphold past decisions regardless of their personal opinions.

Trump Saves Taxpayers $1.4 Billion on Air Force One Contract

-The Daily Caller
“President Donald Trump has struck a deal with The Boeing Company for a new generation of two Air Force One aircrafts at a lower cost than originally proposed,” Saagar Enjeti reports. The deal saves taxpayers “over $1.4 billion from the initially proposed $5.3 billion cost-plus contract,” Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said.
“The contract sets the total price for the two completed Air Force One replacement aircraft at $3.9 billion, saving the taxpayers over $1.4 billion from the initially proposed $5.3 billion cost-plus contract,” Sanders added.
Trump made the issue of lowering the price of the next generation of Air Force One airplanes an issue in the early days of his transition period.
“The plane is totally out of control. It’s going to be over $4 billion for Air Force One program. I think it’s ridiculous, I think Boeing is doing a little bit of a number. We want Boeing to make a lot of money, but not that much money,” the president told reporters in December 2016.

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