Kamis, 28 Juni 2018



First Lady Melania Trump Makes Surprise Visit to Texas Shelter, Praises Social Workers in ‘Difficult Times’

First lady Melania Trump speaks at a roundtable at Upbring New Hope Children Center run by the Lutheran Social Services of the South in McAllen, Texas, Thursday, June 21, 2018. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
First Lady Melania Trump “traveled to the facility in McAllen, Texas, to thank law enforcement officials and social-service providers for their hard work, and to discuss efforts to reunite families with their children,” Dave Boyer reports in The Washington Times. “She was also meeting with children between the ages of 12 and 17 who are being held at the Upbring New Hope Children’s Shelter, part of Lutheran Social Services.”“They are scared without their families,” Mrs. Trump said of the migrant children. “I want to thank you for your hard work, your compassion and your kindness you’re giving them in this difficult time. I’d also like to ask you how I can help to — these children, to reunite with their families, as quickly as possible.”
The First Lady thanked the social workers “for your heroic work that you do every day and what you do for those children.”
While she was visiting, the Justice Department asked a federal judge to rewrite the court agreement that Republicans say created the catch-and-release policy leading to the family separation crisis at the border.The move is critical to Mr. Trump’s executive order trying to stop family separations.Government officials say a 2015 ruling by U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee, the so-called Flores settlement, created the catch-and-release practice that Mr. Trump was trying to head off with his zero-tolerance border prosecutions policy.

This is how to reshape American government for the 21st century

This is how to reshape American government for the 21st century
In The Hill, OMB Deputy Director of Management Margaret Weichert explains how the Trump Administration’s plan to reorganize the federal government will better serve the American people by balancing “the mission, service and stewardship responsibilities of the executive branch, while reducing inefficiency, risk and duplication.”
These recommendations will reflect a blend of both “top down” and “bottom up” transformational proposals for near-term and long-term changes. This approach balances the realities and challenges of making change happen to entrenched, outdated, and bureaucratic processes, while signaling a new direction for the future.
A transformation of this size will take time to implement. Some changes can be applied directly within federal departments and agencies while other more complex proposals may require action by the president or the Congress. In either case, this administration has the opportunity to highlight how leading management and reorganization practices from the private sector can bring practical improvements to government services.
We have already seen similar transformations at the state and local levels. Cities like Pittsburgh, Reno, Provo and Kansas City, and states like Georgia and North Carolina, are evolving from their industrial and agrarian roots to become beacons of digital and technological innovation.
At times of great change, commitment to “government of the people, by the people and for the people” is critical. As the United States faces the challenge of serving the diverse needs of our growing country, it is important to reexamine government services to ensure that the executive branch is well aligned to 21st century realities. After all, neither Rome nor Pittsburgh was built in a day.

Majority of voters blame parents, not Trump administration, for child separation at border: Poll

“A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll,” Jennifer Harper reports for The Washington Times. A new Rasmussen Reports survey indicates that “54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law.”
“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.
Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.
Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Trump’s family separation executive order respects both Congress and rule of law

In the Washington Examiner, Jenna Ellis writes that President Trump “is not caving or reversing course, but rather is going on the record formally charging his law enforcement officers . . . with making every effort to keep families together when such action is legally available. This is a very good thing for a president to show constitutional restraint and acquiescence to the rule of law, while ordering agencies to execute the law with more compassion if and where possible.”
Similarly, this executive order is saying that the administration must enforce the current law, so will continue to enforce the law unless Congress directs otherwise, “including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources.” Congress has all the power here, so this actually changes nothing. It’s simply a recognition that the administration will continue to enforce whatever law Congress establishes and will detain families together whenever Congress’ law allows. If we don’t like the current law or policy, Congress has to change it.
Brilliant and totally accurate. This isn’t Trump caving or doing anything he said he couldn’t. Read the text. Trump is sticking it to Congress and the activist judiciary by saying, “It is unfortunate that Congress’s failure to act and court orders have put the administration in the position of separating alien families to effectively enforce the law.”
What’s also remarkable about this latest outrage is that the liberal Left has been sharply critical of Trump for being “literally Hitler” — the idea that he would presumably use his executive powers in dictator fashion. Yet, whenever the opportunity arises for a supposed simple fix through legislating from the Oval Office, the same liberal Left suddenly demands that the president start acting like a dictator and blames him for whatever current law they suddenly find objectionable.
It might seem easier and quicker to just have an executive order that fully cures legal problems. But consider for a moment what that does to the rule of law. Our system of government requires a separation of powers precisely because no president is constitutionally vested with sufficient authority tantamount to a dictatorship. I am incredibly grateful that Trump is not acting like a dictator and trying to circumvent Congress’ sole vested authority to legislate.
The liberal Left and mainstream media have purposefully created an apparent no-win situation for the current administration, clamoring for the president to act like a dictator while complaining he might act like a dictator.
Even in the midst of a no-win situation, Trump has been consistently constitutional and incredibly savvy. I applaud both the immense restraint this executive order shows and also the willingness of Trump to address the very serious challenges our country faces with respect to immigration law. The order today is not an attempt to circumvent Congress or a retreat or concession that the executive branch actually has legislative power. Don’t let the left-wing media’s agenda fool you. Let’s keep the focus where it rightly should be: on Congress. So, Congress, what are you going to do about this?

Dems allow separation of parents, children to continue, just to score political points

Dems allow separation of parents, children to continue, just to score political points
“Thankfully, President Trump signed an executive order to stop separation of families at the border. But it’s not a long-term solution. Congress does have to act,” Ned Ryun writes in The Hill. “This entire episode has really shown what Democrats and their allies in the media believe . . . They see no purpose in immigration laws and favor open-border policies.”
Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) bill looks to be the best and fastest solution. It mandates that families who immigrate illegally must be kept together; it authorizes new temporary shelters, doubles the number of federal immigration judges and provides for expedited processing of asylum cases to ensure cases are decided promptly and families don’t live in detention facilities for longer than necessary. The fact of the matter is, many on the center-right would prefer that families, when it is verifiable, stay together during deportation hearings and then be deported together.
Rather than realize he’s part of a coequal branch of government, Schumer is rejecting all responsibility to manage the crisis at the border and, instead, would rather have these policies continue.
Republicans should call Schumer’s bluff and pass Cruz’s bill. Put the question to Democrats: Are you willing to let the separation of parents from their children continue to score political points? Apparently the answer is “yes.”
This entire episode has really shown what Democrats and their allies in the media believe as the week dragged on: They see no purpose in immigration laws and favor open-border policies.
Hasil gambar untuk Dems allow separation of parents, children to continue
For proof of that, consider Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.)  proposed legislation in which illegal immigrants, even those potentially guilty of terrorism, couldn’t be arrested within 100 miles of the border. For those of you who need a translation, that’s “open borders” by another term. Now restrictions on unlimited immigration, enforcing immigration laws on the books, even simply working for the Department of Homeland Security, apparently makes you tantamount to being a Nazi.
The left has adopted the most radical of immigration positions, that essentially anyone interested in entering the country should have the legal right to do so. This is a far cry from what Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and even one former Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) were saying just a few years ago.

Trump’s Tariffs Are a Defense Against China’s Aggression

Hasil gambar untuk TrumpĆ¢€™s Tariffs Are a Defense Against ChinaĆ¢€™s Aggression
In The Wall Street Journal, National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro writes that President Trump’s recently announced tariffs “will form a critical line of defense against predatory trade practices China has used to the detriment of American industries.” Beijing seeks economic and military domination by taking U.S. technology and intellectual property.
The Chinese government’s Made in China 2025 blueprint reveals Beijing’s audacious plans to dominate emerging technology industries. Many of these targeted sectors, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, have clear implications for defense. China seeks to achieve its goal of economic and military domination in part by acquiring the best American technology and intellectual property. President Trump’s new tariffs will provide a critical shield against this aggression.

Veterans Affairs’ nursing homes have better staff-to-resident ratio: Opposing view

In USA Today, Acting Veterans Affairs Secretary Peter O’Rourke writes that “USA TODAY’s misleading Sunday article, ‘Secret VA nursing home ratings hide poor quality care from the public,’ is a prime example of why the phrase ‘fake news’ has gained such prominence.”
The data show that, overall, VA’s nursing home system compares closely with the private sector, even though the department cares for sicker patients — with conditions such as prostate obstruction, spinal cord injury, mental illness, homelessness, PTSD, combat injury and terminal illness — than do private facilities. And even though private sector nursing homes admit patients selectively, VA will not refuse service to any eligible veteran. These factors make achieving good quality ratings more challenging.
Importantly, though, VA nursing homes have a better staff-to-resident ratio than private sector facilities to ensure that residents in VA facilities get more attention from staff than do residents in private facilities.
Last year, VA committed to releasing our nursing home ratings this summer. We met that goal. And along the way, we took time to ensure that our data were accurate.


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