Selasa, 01 Mei 2018


WHR 3To : <>Date : Mon, 23 Apr 2018 23:54:48 +0700 Subject : Senate prepares to vote on Mike Pompeo

American and French flags are hung on the exterior of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House, Friday, April 20, 2018, in Washington, D.C. The flags are in preparation for the upcoming State Visit next week to the White House by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Driving the Day

Foto The White House.
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump welcome French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Mrs. Brigitte Macron, to Washington today. The First Couples will visit Mount Vernon tonight before France’s official State Visit begins tomorrow.
Hasil gambar untuk First Lady Melania Trump Prepares for France's State Visit

An inside look at hosting a State Visit

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State Dinners with foreign leaders date back to 1874. When King David Kalakaua of the Kingdom of Hawaii (later annexed by the United States) visited Washington that year, there was no guide for how President Ulysses S. Grant should welcome him. No matter how the visit went, it would set a precedent.
Foto The White House.
The result was a tradition that continues to this day. President Trump hosts the first official State Visit of his Administration when President Macron and Mrs. Macron of France come to the White House.
Foto The White House.
While President Trump has hosted numerous foreign leaders, tomorrow will mark the first ceremonial State Visit among them.
Hasil gambar untuk When King David Kalakaua of the Kingdom of Hawaii visited Washington that year
State Visits are intricately planned to show respect for a visiting leader. The end goal of such events is practical. Just as negotiations over trade drove King Kalakaua to the White House nearly a century and a half ago, better trade deals will be a fixture of the conversations between Presidents Trump and Macron this week.

Senate prepares to vote on Mike Pompeo

Hasil gambar untuk Mike Pompeo is the Leader America Needs as Its Top Diplomat

Mike Pompeo is the Secretary of State America needs
. Last year, the Senate voted 66-32 to confirm Pompeo as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the full Senate is expected to approve his nomination for Secretary of State in the coming weeks. He has served the CIA with distinction for the past 14 months.
Gambar terkait
His nomination is earning widespread support. “Mike Pompeo has the intelligence, the integrity, and the experience to serve as America’s secretary of State,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) wrote last week. “We would be hard-pressed to find a nominee with greater experience and expertise,” national security expert Michael Allen says.
Hasil gambar untuk LT. GEN. WILLIAM BOYKIN
Director Pompeo’s record speaks for itself. He was a leader long before he arrived in Washington, patrolling the Iron Curtain as a U.S. Cavalry officer in West Germany before the Berlin Wall fell. He has been an entrepreneur, a Congressman, and first in his class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He’s ready.
Hasil gambar untuk Sens. Feinstein and Kaine and 12 other Democrats voted to confirm Mr. Pompeo as CIA director
“Sens. Feinstein and Kaine and 12 other Democrats voted to confirm Mr. Pompeo as CIA director—he was confirmed 66-32—perhaps because he’s so well qualified. Mr. Pompeo is a West Point and Harvard Law graduate who served three terms in Congress, and along with fellow Republican Tom Cotton unearthed the Obama Administration’s secret side deals with Tehran. He has invigorated the CIA clandestine service, tried to give Mr. Trump options on North Korea, and has gained the President’s trust.”
See why Mike Pompeo is ready to lead and what others are saying about his nomination.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump with officers from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office | April 22, 2018

White House Press Briefing (4/23/18):


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