Kamis, 19 April 2018



President Trump just took a giant step towards actual welfare reform

Trump just took a giant step toward actual welfareƂ reform
“President Trump’s new executive order on welfare reform has laid the groundwork to get more Americans back to work while protecting and strengthening the safety net for the truly needy,” Kristina Rasmussen writes in the New York Post. Rasmussen explains that the Executive Order signed by the President Tuesday afternoon “lays out principles to encourage economic mobility through work — a tactic that we’ve seen succeed in states across the nation.”Federal agencies should follow the White House’s guidance to change that by declining to renew these waivers and strengthening the work requirement for able-bodied adults, returning the food-stamp program to the law’s original bipartisan intent and rolling back the unsustainable spike in welfare recipients.
Based on the experience of states that reinstated work requirements, this common-sense reform would move millions of able-bodied adults from welfare to work while saving taxpayers billions — ensuring the safety net is in place for those who truly need it.The good news doesn’t end there. Because the executive order spans multiple programs — including Medicaid and food stamps, among others — agency leaders have the opportunity to bring much-needed change to all welfare programs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services must continue to approve states’ waiver requests to implement work requirements for able-bodied adults in Medicaid, as more and more states follow the example set by Arkansas, Indiana and Kentucky. Agencies should look to eliminate loopholes that allow automatic enrollment into welfare programs without asset tests or other tests of need, and should look to implement anti-fraud initiatives to crack down on welfare fraud and preserve limited resources for the truly needy.

Trump signs measure aimed at curbing online sex trafficking

Hasil gambar untuk Trump signs measure aimed at curbing online sex trafficking
Wednesday marked a bipartisan victory for the Trump Administration as President Trump signed a new law that “paves the way for victims of sex trafficking to hold websites accountable for knowingly facilitating sex trafficking,” Betsy Klein reports for CNN. Klein notes that “the bill has also had a high-profile advocate in first daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump, who adopted combating human trafficking as a part of her West Wing portfolio, hosting multiple listening sessions and meetings on the topic in recent months.”
Hasil gambar untuk Trump signs measure aimed at curbing online sex trafficking
The President praised his daughter’s efforts during the signing ceremony.
“I have to give credit to Ivanka Trump,” Trump said, pointing to his daughter who was standing behind him.Wagner told CNN the first daughter was “one of the moving forces in this arena.”
“This is someone who can raise a level of awareness just by talking about it, by tweeting something out, by bringing legislators together,” she said.

Hasil gambar untuk Trump signs measure aimed at curbing online sex trafficking

But an awareness deficit still remains, something Wagner plans to continue to address, which includes partnering with the hospitality industry, visitors bureaus, educators, emergency room nurses and transportation companies, among others.
Most prosecution for sex trafficking offenders happen at the state and local levels, and moving forward, Wagner is working to get a version of FOSTA framework passed in all 50 state legislatures.
“It’s hard to do big things. I’ve passed a lot of bills — this was hard. And to do hard things, it takes a lot of grit and gumption a little grace from God,” she said.

Ivanka Trump to promote women’s economic empowerment in Peru

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“Ivanka Trump plans to promote women’s economic empowerment and female-owned businesses during a Latin American summit this week,” Ken Thomas reports for The Associated Press. “President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior adviser will be part of the U.S. delegation to the Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru, led by Vice President Mike Pence.”The president has pulled out of the event so he can oversee the U.S. response to an apparent chemical weapons attack on civilians in Syria.
Ivanka Trump says she plans to announce an initiative “to propel women’s economic empowerment in the region” and will stop at Lima’s stock exchange to meet with female corporate leaders and entrepreneurs.She also plans to highlight the participation of women in the economy at a female-owned business that makes organic products.

Mulvaney Vows ‘Humility and Moderation’ From CFPB

Jesse Hamilton writes in Bloomberg that White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, who is temporarily running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, laid out his minimalist approach to leading the CFPB before Congress today. “Our job is to enforce federal consumer financial laws, and our focus will be on carrying out only those activities Congress explicitly wrote into law,” Director Mulvaney said.

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