Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

Q-MHI Daily Brief

Daily Brief 1

Good morning, Q-MHI readers!


Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell are pictured. | Getty ImagesHasil gambar untuk SHUTDOWN'S POLITICAL 'PING-PONG GAME' FRUSTRATES WORKERS
The US government faces another possible shutdown. It’s on the verge of exhausting its funds, again. The House passed a stopgap spending bill yesterday, but the Senate might block it. If no compromise is reached, the government will partially close downafter today.
Hasil gambar untuk IOC to host talks on North Korean participation on January 20
The IOC discusses North Korea’s participation in the Winter Olympics. Along with delegations from the two Koreas, the International Olympic Committee will address questions related to uniforms, ceremonies, and flags. It’ll also discuss how many and which athletes the North will send to the event, hosted by the South next month.
US Secretary of Defense James Mattis (L) and US Vice President Mike Pence (C) listen while US President Donald Trump speaks to the press before a meeting in the Pentagon January 18, 2018 in Washington, DC.
The US Pentagon unveils its National Defense Strategy.Authored primarily by defense secretary Jim Mattis, the policy document will influence how the department’s resources are allocated in the years ahead. It could include details on swarm drones, artificial intelligence programs, and other new initiatives.The Pentagon is scheduled to issue its National Defense Strategy, the military’s interpretation of how it will follow through on Trump’s broader National Security Strategy that outlined the main threats facing the U.S. and how the government plans to counter them. The National Defense Strategy, or NDS, released in both unclassified and a far more detailed classified version, will lay out how the Defense Department plans to use the money it’s allocated by Congress – a budget that remains uncertain until the legislature reaches a decision on a spending plan.


Google and Tencent agreed to share patents. The cross-licensing deal comes with an understanding that the search giant and China’s largest firm will team up on developing future tech. Google has a similar arrangement—designed to minimize patent infringements—with Samsung and others. The deal could help Google in China and Tencent abroad.
Hasil gambar untuk In sign of times, luxury watchmaker Audemars embraces second-hand
Audemars Piguet jumped on the second-hand watch trend. The Swiss luxury watchmaker is the first big brand to enter the burgeoning market for pre-owned watches. It plans to sell second-hand watches in Switzerland first, then expand to the US and Japan.
Hasil gambar untuk Six Chinese Ships Covertly Aided North Korea. The U.S. Was Watching.
The US spotted Chinese ships violating UN sanctions against North Korea. According to satellite photos and other evidence gathered by US intelligence officials, at least six Chinese-owned or operated cargo ships covertly transported illicit cargo (paywall) from North Korea to Russia and Vietnam, despite UN bans on various exports.
ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings in ManilaNew Zealand Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern, center, walks with colleagues to a press conference at Parliament in Wellington, New Zealand, Thursday Oct. 19, 2017. Ardern will be New Zealand's next prime minister after a small political party chose to make a deal with liberals following the nation's election nearly a month ago. (Mark Mitchell/New Zealand Herald via AP)
New Zealand’s prime minister revealed she’s pregnant. Jacinda Ardern will be the first leader to give birth in office in almost 30 years, and plans to work until the end of her pregnancy in June and take six weeks leave. The 37-year-old said she discovered she was pregnant on Oct. 13, six days before taking the country’s top job.
Hasil gambar untuk IEA Sees ‘Explosive’ Growth in U.S. Oil Output as Prices RallyHasil gambar untuk IEA Sees ‘Explosive’ Growth in U.S. Oil Output as Prices Rally
The International Energy agency predicted “explosive” growth in US oil output. It said huge growth in the US and gains in Canada and Brazil will offset Venezuela’s collapsing production. As oil prices hit three-year highs, OPEC and its partners are meeting in Oman this week to discuss clearing the global oil glut.


Mannequins are seen at the Swedish fashion retailer Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) store on its opening day in central Moscow, Russia, May 27, 2017. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov - RC1C3738F7A0A vandalised H&M store is seen in Sandton, South Africa, January 13, 2018 in this picture obtained from social media. Courtesy of TWITTER/ @ABRAMJEE /via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES - RC1EA7B5CE10
Lynsey Chutel on how South Africans are teaching fashion retailer H&M a tough lesson on diversity. “H&M learned the hard way that an apology was not enough in South Africa, a country where race-based controversies often hog the headlines. South Africa’s fraught, but brutally honest and very public conversations on race offer a lesson to global brands on the importance of diversity.”


Hasil gambar untuk The Democrat Trump should fear in 2020 — and it’s not OprahTrump Approval
Donald Trump should fear Joe Biden. The former vice president is a more realistic opponent (paywall) than Oprah Winfrey—and a safer one than Bernie Sanders. A recent Quinnipiac poll says that more Americans would vote for former vice president Joe Biden if he ran for president. It certainly wouldn’t be a landslide win: 48 percent of respondents said they’d pick Biden, while 44 percent said they wouldn’t be inclined to vote for him.
A building under construction is seen amidst smog on a polluted day in ShenyangCFR-SOE profitability and debt graphic v4_colorcorrected
The biggest threat to China’s long-term growth is its own government. China’s private companies are the engines of its economy, generating seven-tenths of its GDP and employing 85% of its workforce. As such, the country’s long-term growth hinges on their success. But they’re coming up against a formidable opponent: their own government. Private companies increasingly find themselves pitted against state-owned firms in the scramble for financing.
Hasil gambar untuk Apple should make a less addictive iPhoneHasil gambar untuk Apple should make a less addictive iPhone
Apple should make a less addictive iPhone. Improved notification controls and an indicator of how long you’ve been staring at your screen would be a good start (paywall).


This map shows Earth’s average global temperature from 2013 to 2017, as compared to a baseline average from 1951 to 1980, according to an analysis by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Yellows, oranges, and reds show regions warmer than the baseline.
Earth just had its second-hottest year since 1880.NASA compared earth’s average global temperature from 2013 to 2017 to a baseline average from 1951 to 1980. Yellows, oranges, and reds show regions warmer than the baseline.(NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio) NASA says 2017’s heat patterns were only surpassed by 2016, and it wasn’t even an El NiƱo year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which also conducts global climate analysis, ranked itthe third-warmest year, slightly less hot than 2016 and 2015.
South Korean is suffering from a trading “kimchi deficit.” The Korean staple been battered by low-cost imports from China.South Korea imported more than 275,000 tonnes of kimchi last year, 99 percent of it from China, the Korea Customs Service (KCS) said, and exported just more than 24,000 tonnes.The deficit stood at US$47.3 million by value, up 11 percent year-on-year and the largest since the KCS began tracking the data in 2000.
People pass the skyline of Singapore October 11, 2017. REUTERS/Edgar Su - RC19D146ABD0
Singapore’s government hired Instagram influencers to promote its budget. The finance minister wanted to reach younger constituents. The result? Brightly lit photos of young, beautiful people with captions about “inflationary pressure.”
Concussions aren’t the only trigger for chronic brain damage.Repeated blows to the head can also cause the problem on their own.Photo:Aaron Hernandez (81), of the New England Patriots, lost his helmet during this play against the New York Jets in 2011. Hernandez killed himself in 2017, and researchers found that he had had one of the most severe cases of CTE ever seen in someone his age.
Cassini image of Ligeia Mare – the second largest hydrocarbon sea present on the surface of...
One of Saturn’s moons has a sea level. The Cassini orbiter helped researchers build a topographic map of Titan’s hydrocarbon ocean. The new discovery adds to a growing list of geological characteristics and processes that the enigmatic moon has in common with Earth.


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