Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017



“Trump Plans Aggressive Road Show to Sell Tax Overhaul”

– Jennifer Jacobs & Justin Sink, Bloomberg
Follow the Trump Administration’s Every Move
Bloomberg News reports the White House is rearranging its communication shop to do battle on the tax reform front. The President is planning to visit as many as 13 states in the next seven weeks, selling the need of tax reform to the American public. The strategy is for the President to visit states he won where a Democratic senator is up for re-election next year, including Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, Bloomberg reported. “In some instances, cabinet members will be deployed behind Trump in a ‘second wave’ after the president’s speeches and town hall meetings to amplify his message,” Bloomberg wrote.
Myk Londino, manager of Vape O2, blows a plume of smoke at his shop in Philadelphia. An E Hookah is in the foreground. (Charles Fox/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)
In The Washington Times former SBA Administrator Hector Barreto highlights the importance of tax reform to small business owners and Latino business owners, saying that given his private sector experience they “believe that Mr. Trump understands them and speaks their language.”
Support female entrepreneurs with much-needed tax cuts
In The Hill, the Independent Women’s Forum’s Carrie Lukas and the Job Creators Network Foundation’s Elaine Parker write that tax reform would greatly benefit women small business owners, saying lowering the rate on small businesses will “provide female entrepreneurs with the opportunity to grow their businesses and expand their economic footprint — which will lead to greater economic prosperity for all Americans.”
In Obamacare news, The Washington Free Beacon reports that “out-of-pocket costs for specialty drugs under the Affordable Care Act increased 16 percent from 2016 to 2017, according to a report from HealthPocket.”
And regarding the education department’s action on Title IX, the New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board endorses Secretary DeVos’ action to restore due process in college sexual assault cases by reversing Obama-era Title IX guidelines.

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