Senin, 02 Oktober 2017



“Area business leaders eager to hear Trump’s ideas on tax reform”

– Amy Dalrymple in The Bismarck Tribune
In North Dakota’s Bismarck Tribune, Amy Dalrymple writes how many area business leaders “are eagerly awaiting” President Trump’s speech on tax reform. Steve Herman, the owner of AAction Movers, told The Bismarck Tribune: “We pay too much tax in this country, and I believe it restricts the free enterprise system.” He added, “Any tax relief would be a benefit to everyone, I believe.” Kathy Neset, a geologist and owner of Neset Consulting, told the paper she’d like a simplified tax code. “I would love to see some lower corporate tax rates and a simplified plan for all Americans.”
The Daily Signal reports on the positive impact that tax reform could have on America’s small businesses, highlighting Missouri small business owner Carla Young who argues that “tax reform is gonna help everyone.”
Congress, fix the broken tax code to strengthen American businesses
In The Hill, the Coalition for Fair Effective Tax Rates’ Mark Allen writes that “high effective tax rates” on American businesses “have slowed job creation and economic growth,” saying comprehensive tax reform offers a chance to fix this problem.
Hasil gambar untuk President Obama, On Immigration - 06-15-2012
Regarding immigration policy, National Review editor Rich Lowry reminds readers that DACA was intended to be “temporary,” quoting President Obama as stating that DACA “is not amnesty,” “not immunity,” “not a path to citizenship,” and “not a permanent fix,” and that “precisely because [DACA] is temporary, Congress needs to act.”
Hasil gambar untuk Dr. Siegel talks to the HHS secretary about Harvey response
In Fox News, Dr. Marc Siegel writes about the number of lives saved during Hurricane Harvey. After the President called the hurricane a natural disaster, and HHS Secretary Dr. Tom Price followed declaring a public health emergency, “they initiated a coordinated federal, state, and local health care response that has likely saved thousands of lives,” Dr. Siegel penned.

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