Selasa, 26 September 2017


WHR 7To : <>Date : Wed, 06 Sep 2017 01:33:32 +0700 Subject : Determined to Rebuild Texas and Louisiana

Hasil gambar untuk the President and the First Lady returned to Texas to visit with people affected by the damage resulting from Hurricane Harvey.
The President and First Lady in Texas 
On Saturday, the President and the First Lady returned to Texas to visit with people effected by the damage resulting from Hurricane Harvey. The President and First Lady traveled to the NRG Center in Houston to meet and speak with displaced families staying in the shelter due to the flooding and assisted the Red Cross in serving lunch to the people living inside the shelter. The President and First Lady then traveled to a distribution center to thank volunteers and pass out supplies to local families who are in the beginning stages of what will be a long road to rebuilding or recovering their homes.
Watch the video
Gambar terkait
The President and First Lady in Louisiana 
On Saturday, the President and the First Lady traveled to Louisiana to meet with local officials, the National Guard, and the Cajun Navy to receive a briefing on the neighboring state’s relief efforts.
Watch the video
Hasil gambar untuk Statement from the Office of the First Lady Melania Trump Hasil gambar untuk Statement from the Office of the First Lady Melania Trump
Statement from the Office of the First Lady 
“Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people and families so deeply effected by Harvey. After spending the day with children, women and men who have been impacted by the storm, it has only furthered our determination to provide all of the support we can as we pledge to continue our efforts in the long road ahead in the months to come.” – First Lady Melania Trump
Read more
9/5/17: White House Press Briefing
President Trump Restores Responsibility and the Rule of Law to Immigration 
Today, the Trump Administration rescinded the previous Administration’s memorandum that created the unlawful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and has taken steps to end the program responsibly.
Read President Trump’s statement

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump at the NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas| September 2, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

POTUS and VP Today

Hasil gambar untuk the President will meet with the National Economic Council, followed by a meeting with key members of Congress and his Administration regarding tax reform. In the evening
Today, the President will meet with the National Economic Council, followed by a meeting with key members of Congress and his Administration regarding tax reform. In the evening, the President will speak to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia by telephone.
Hasil gambar untuk Vice President Pence will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams
This afternoon, Vice President Pence will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams.

Coming Up This Week

Tomorrow, President Trump will travel to North Dakota for a Tax Reform event. On Thursday, the Amir of Kuwait will visit the White House and meet with the President.

White House Spring Internship

The application for the Spring 2018 White House Internship Program is open! Apply here

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