Jumat, 22 September 2017


WHR 6To :<>Date : Fri, 01 Sep 2017 23:31:01 +0700  Subject : The President’s Weekly Address

The President’s Weekly Address

All American Hearts Are with the People of Texas and Louisiana
“All American hearts are with the people of Texas and Louisiana. We mourn and pray and struggle through the hardships — together. We know that a long and difficult path lies ahead to get our neighbors back in their homes and on their feet. But we also know that we are stronger than the obstacles in our path. Arm-in-arm, we will strive, we will endure, and we will emerge stronger than ever before.”
-President Donald J. Trump
Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence Meet with Hurricane Harvey Survivors and Volunteers 
Yesterday, Vice President Pence, Mrs. Pence, and five Cabinet secretaries traveled to southeast Texas to meet with Hurricane Harvey survivors and survey damage.
“On behalf of the American people, with the leadership of President Donald Trump to the people of Texas, we are with you today. We will be with you tomorrow, and we will be with you every day until this great state and these great communities recover and rebuild to be even better and stronger than ever before.”
-Vice President Pence
Update on Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts from Homeland Security Advisor
Yesterday, Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert gave an update on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.
Watch the video

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump participates in a briefing on Hurricane Harvey’s recovery efforts | August 31, 2017 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)

Coming Up

Today, the President will receive an update from disaster relief organizations on Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts.
On Saturday, the President and the First Lady will return to Texas as part of the ongoing Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

White House Spring Internship

The application for the Spring 2018 White House Internship Program is open! Apply here

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