Rabu, 20 September 2017


WHR 3To : <>Date : Thu, 31 Aug 2017 00:29:01 +0700  Subject : The Strength and Resilience of the People of Texas
Hasil gambar untuk Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts Continue Hasil gambar untuk Statement by First Lady Melania Trump on Hurricane Harvey
Hasil gambar untuk Statement by First Lady Melania Trump on Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts Continue 
Yesterday, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump traveled to Texas where they received a briefing on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts with local leadership and relief organizations. The President and the First Lady also met with state leadership at the Emergency Operations Center.
Hasil gambar untuk Statement by First Lady Melania Trump on Hurricane Harvey
Statement by First Lady Melania Trump on Hurricane Harvey
“The effects of Hurricane Harvey will be felt in Texas, Louisiana, and other parts of the country for many months and years to come. So far, 1.7 million people are under orders to evacuate their homes, and, as the floodwater in Houston rises, sadly, so will the number of evacuees. I want to be able to offer my help and support in the most productive way possible, not through just words, but also action. What I found to be the most profound during the visit was not only the strength and resilience of the people of Texas, but the compassion and sense of community that has taken over the State. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people of Texas and Louisiana.” – First Lady Melania Trump
Read more
A New Era of Economic Renewal 
Today, President Trump will announce a tax reform plan in Springfield, Missouri, that puts the American worker and American economy first. Tax reform will spur a new era of economic renewal to bring back our jobs, bring back our wealth, and bring back our dreams.
Watch the Announcement Live at 2:30pm EDT

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump, Senator John Cornyn, and Senator Ted Cruz | August 29, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

POTUS and VP Today

Hasil gambar untuk President Trump Participates in a Tax Reform Kickoff Event
Today, President Trump will travel to Springfield, Missouri, and participate in a tax reform kickoff event. Watch the Announcement Live at 2:30pm EDT

Today, Vice President Pence will travel to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, where he will deliver keynote remarks to the 2017 Annual Meeting and Business Summit of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce. Listen Live at 7:00pm EDT

White House Spring Internship

The application for the Spring 2018 White House Internship Program is open! Apply here
THE WHITE HOUSE the-white-house-logo-3 MHI 

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