Kamis, 21 September 2017



“Trump’s Reassuring Hurricane Response”

– Tevi Troy in The Wall Street Journal
Hasil gambar untuk Trump’s Reassuring Hurricane Response
Former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Tevi Troy praises President Trump’s hurricane response in The Wall Street Journal, writing: “Washington’s disaster authorities appear to be in sync with the state on roles and responsibilities; the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its leader, Brock Long, deployed resources as Harvey approached; and the government response as a whole appears well coordinated.” Mr. Troy credits the administration’s personnel and preparation as key components in the synchronized effort, noting the President has “surrounded himself with leaders experienced in this area.”
The New York Daily News’ editorial board writes how America is responding “with heroism and heart to help Houston recover from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.”
Hasil gambar untuk U.S. Consumer Confidence at Second-Highest Level Since 2000
In positive economic news, Bloomberg reports that consumer confidence levels measured by the Conference Board in August hit their “second-highest level since late 2000,” saying “Americans have had much to lift their moods: optimism about the economy, steady hiring and unemployment at a 16-year low, in addition to contained inflation, home-price appreciation and stock-market gains.”
Long, Billy
As the President delivers a speech on tax reform today, in Missouri’s Springfield News-Leader, Rep. Billy Long praises the President for his focus on the topic, writing “comprehensive tax reform is another necessary step in the right direction to grow the American economy and to keep the American dream in reach for all.”
Copyright © 2007 - Gary Blakeley: 416.278.5520
At Fox News, David Bossie writes Republicans need to “get a robust tax reform bill signed into law this year,” calling it a “make or break moment.”

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