Rabu, 20 September 2017



“Trump surveys Harvey damage, calls for recovery ‘better than ever before’”

– Alex Pappas in Fox News
President visits Corpus Christi to meet with Texas officials
Fox News details President Trump’s visit to hurricane-ravaged Texas to meet with Governor Greg Abbott and FEMA Administrator Brock Long. The President was accompanied by First Lady Melania Trump and a number of his Cabinet members including Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, and Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon. These Cabinet members will be instrumental in helping Texas rebuild and recover, and will be meeting with their state counterparts during the trip.
People evacuate a neighborhood in west Houston inundated by floodwaters. (Associated Press)
The Washington Times editorial board writes that President Trump “is doing the right thing” by going to Houston on Tuesday, saying he is “taking ownership of the storm and the resolution of the pain and suffering.”
Hasil gambar untuk Volunteer 'Cajun Navy' is saving lives in Houston amid Harvey's torrential rainsHasil gambar untuk Volunteer 'Cajun Navy' is saving lives in Houston amid Harvey's torrential rains
ABC News profiles the volunteer ‘Cajun Navy’ which is saving lives in Houston amid Harvey’s torrential rains.
Evacuees seek shelter at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017.  
The Texas Tribune compiles a list of websites and resources for victims of Hurricane Harvey, offering a how-to on getting and offering help.
In this Jan. 14, 2017, photo,
And in advance of tomorrow’s tax reform push, in The Denver Post, Americans for Prosperity’s Jesse Mallory writes about the urgent need for tax reform, saying that simplifying the overly complex federal tax code and lowering rates to make American businesses internationally competitive again “would go a long way toward boosting jobs and wages, and restoring some faith in the American Dream.”

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