Jumat, 15 September 2017



“Meet The Real American Heroes Saving Harvey Survivors Stranded In Texas”

– Bre Payton in The Federalist
Meet The Real American Heroes Saving Harvey Survivors Stranded In Texas
Hasil gambar untuk CNN captured the moment this man with a boat saved an elderly man from his flooded home
The Federalist honors the many heroes – all of the rescue workers, firemen, police, military personnel and volunteers –who have “stepped up to help their fellow Americans” in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Some of those highlighted are the Harris County Sheriff officers who rescued a man caught in eight feet of water for 12 hours. A reporter asked another volunteer, with a boat, what he planned to do with it. The volunteer’s response? “I’m going to go save some lives,” The Federalist reported. Others featured are Texas police as they herded cattle to higher ground outside Houston, and a 15-year-old boy that rescued people all day Sunday. As the Federalist reported, these stories: “will restore your faith in humanity.”
The Austin-American Statesman reports that Gov. Abbott gave the Trump administration an “A-plus” for its response to Hurricane Harvey, saying “all across the board, from the White House to the federal administration to FEMA, they’ve been very helpful.”
Lengthy attack over Charlottesville coverage
At Fox News, Newt Gingrich writes that the mainstream media’s reporting on President Trump’s approval ratings are misrepresentative, citing the quick changes in the approval rating of President Reagan in the early 1980s as evidence that “ratings at this point in time are not indicative of a president’s future success.”
Senators Tom Cotton (left) and David Perdue introduce the RAISE Act on August 2. (Zach Gibson/Getty)
On the immigration front, National Review’s Reihan Salam praises the RAISE Act’s emphasis on skills-based immigration, saying “instead of sharpening our political and economic divides, as mass immigration has been doing for a generation, the bill offers an immigration system that would actually help heal them.”
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro speaks at a news conference in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017. Immigration authorities in Colombia announced that Venezuela's ousted chief prosecutor Luisa Ortega Diaz is on her way to Brazil. Ortega said that Maduro removed her in order to stop a probe linking him and his inner circle to nearly $100 million in bribes from Brazilian construction company Odebrecht. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)
In foreign policy, The Washington Times reports on the new sanctions against Venezuela’s Maduro regime that President Trump signed, citing it as the latest example of the administration stepping up “sanctions on Venezuelan officials as the socialist government tries to consolidate power in the face of a deteriorating economy and violent protests.”

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