Jumat, 01 September 2017



“President Trump announces move to elevate Cyber Command”

– Thomas Gibbons-Neff in The Washington Post
The Washington Post reports President Trump has directed that Cyber Command will become its own unified military command – a move aimed to “strengthen cyberspace operations and bolster U.S. defenses.” The President said on Friday that the “elevation of United States Cyber Command demonstrates our increased resolve against cyberspace threats and will help reassure our allies and partners and deter our adversaries.”
Hasil gambar untuk US weekly jobless claims total 232,000 vs 240,000 estimateHasil gambar untuk US weekly jobless claims total 232,000 vs 240,000 estimate
In more good economic news, CNBC reports on yesterday’s Labor Department announcement that “the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to near a six-month low last week,” a further sign of strength in the nation’s jobs market.
Trump's Go-ahead for Infrastructure Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times
In The Washington Times, the Cornwall Alliance’s E. Calvin Beisner praises President Trump’s recent executive order on infrastructure, saying it “should save billions of dollars directly by streamlining and expediting the permitting process for infrastructure projects” and help spur “more and safer” infrastructure projects.
USA Today contributor and former Bush Defense Department official James S. Robbins writes that President Trump “was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced ‘both sides’ that were rioting in Charlottesville,” saying “the proper response is not to condemn one group of radicals over another but to see all of them as a direct threat to constitutional government.”
Emily Rose Nauert became a symbol of the antifa movement in April when a white nationalist leader punched her in the face during a melee near the University of California, Berkeley.
The New York Times reports alt-left group ‘Antifa’ is growing in numbers in their battle to fight white supremacists. The Times writes, “members of antifa have shown no qualms about using their fists, sticks or canisters of peppery spray to meet an array of right-wing antagonists whom they call a fascist threat to American democracy.”

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