Senin, 04 September 2017

NK Report

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Only at MHI-NK News:
Japan imposes more unilateral North Korea sanctions
Japan imposes more unilateral North Korea sanctions, By Damin Jung
Joint unilateral sanctions by UN member states must be implemented in coordination, expert says
U.S. travel ban to North Korea: How will the exemption process work?
U.S. travel ban to North Korea: How will the exemption process work? By Chad O’Carroll
Four category exemption system could leave some stakeholders banned from entry
Singapore investigating sanctioned N. Korea linked companies
Singapore investigating sanctioned N. Korea linked companies, By Leo Byrne
Documents show one of the company’s shareholders also a professional wrestler
New North Korea tour agency launches in Moscow
New North Korea tour agency launches in Moscow, By Dagyum Ji
Head of Russia’s Travel Agencies Union tells press conference there is “great interest”
Chinese exports of diesel to North Korea rose in July
Chinese exports of diesel to North Korea rose in July, By Leo Byrne
Gasoline shipments fell sharply compared to the previous month, however
Russia, China have surrendered to U.S. by supporting sanctions: N. Korean media

Russia, China have surrendered to U.S. by supporting sanctions: N. Korean media, By Damin Jung
In second editorial criticizing Beijing and Moscow in as many days, Rodong attacks “great powers”
North Korean media promoting new “Hunting Yankee” first-person shooter game
North Korean media promoting new “Hunting Yankee” first-person shooter game, By Dagyum Ji 
Game allows players to kill American soldiers “with a sniper gun,” state-run outlet says
North Korea’s fishing industry: Markets, private business, and foreign trade
North Korea’s fishing industry: Markets, private business, and foreign trade, By Peter Ward
New sanctions target a burgeoning entrepreneurial class often independent from the state

Top MHI-NK Stories from around the web:
Kaesong revival will be first issue pushed if N.K. sanctions ease: minister (Yonhap News) South Korea’s point man on North Korea said Friday that the now-suspended joint industrial town in Kaesong will be the first issue to be reviewed if Pyongyang halts provocations and international sanctions are eased. ..
The secrets behind Kim Jong Un's personal piggy bank
Japan imposes unilateral sanctions on 8 foreign firms over North Korea (CNN) Japan will impose unilateral sanctions on eight foreign firms and individuals as punishment for their alleged dealings with North Korea. The sanctions are among the latest international efforts to isolate the country and follow sanctions imposed by the UNSC…
Why Most Misread North Korea's Guam ThreatHasil gambar untuk The 200 Americans Living in North Korea Have Little Time Left to Leave , TIME

The 200 Americans Living in North Korea Have Little Time Left to Leave (TIME) When American doctor Stephen Yoon thinks of North Korea, he does not think of ballistic missile tests or the threat of nuclear war. He remembers instead a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, who suffered from spastic quadriplegia that made her unable to stand or sit…Why Most Misread North Korea’s Guam Threat (The Diplomat) North Korea is experimenting with new types of coercive bargaining. “By never having committed to launching the missiles in the first place, merely reviewing the order, Kim can now walk himself back and show restraint by withholding authorization for the launches. Despite the potential for escalation and miscalculation here…”

Gambar terkait         Gambar terkaitHasil gambar untuk Markus Schiller and Robert SchmuckerGambar terkait

August Roundup: The Current (Dis-)Equilibrium (PIIE) Stephan Haggard outlines all that is being said dissecting the run-up and fall-off of tensions. “There is continuing debate about the underlying military picture, set in train by a must-read piece by Ted Postol, Markus Schiller and Robert Schmucker at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (link is external). Their conclusion on North Korea’s ICBM…”

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