Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017


WHR 6To : <>Date : Wed, 26 Jul 2017 20:36:30 +0700 Subject : A Message from President Trump on Obamacare

A Statement From The President

Hasil gambar untuk President Trump Gives a Statement on Healthcare
“I applaud the Senate for taking a giant step to end the Obamacare nightmare. As this vote shows, inaction is not an option, and now the legislative process can move forward as intended to produce a bill that lowers costs and increases options for all Americans. The Senate must now pass a bill and get it to my desk so we can finally end the Obamacare disaster once and for all.”
-President Donald J. Trump
President Trump Salutes American Heroes in Ohio
Yesterday evening, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump traveled to Struthers, Ohio to participate in a special Salute to American Heroes. At the event, President Trump made remarks acknowledging the heroes who put the lives of other Americans before their own every day.
Watch the Video
Yesterday, President Trump met with Prime Minister Hariri of Lebanon
The President and Prime Minister discussed topics such as the importance of defeating terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al Qaeda. The President commended the Lebanese people for “standing up for humanity in a very troubled part of the world.” The meeting aimed to strengthen the two country’s relationship in order to ensure stability, mutual prosperity, and peace.
Watch the Joint Press Conference
White House Hosts Second Regional Media Day
On Tuesday, the White House hosted its second Regional Media Day. There were 95 interviews broadcast on television and radio from the North Lawn. The interviews were given by Senior White House Officials and Cabinet members, and were focused on the priorities of the Trump Administration, such as the push to repeal and replace Obamacare as well as tax reform.
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Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump honors veteran Bob Bishop at the AMVETS Post 44 Salute to American Heroes | July 25, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Today, President Trump and Vice President Pence will participate in an American Legion event at the White House. The President and Vice President will also make a jobs announcement from the East Room. Watch the announcement live at 5pm EST.

Coming Up This Week

This week, the White House continues to celebrate and honor American Heroes. Tomorrow, President Trump will welcome the brave first responders from Alexandria, Virginia to the White House, and on Friday, the President will travel to New York to meet with law enforcement on Long Island.

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