Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017


WHR 6To : <>Date : Thu, 10 Aug 2017 21:57:18 +0700 Subject : Meet the Cabinet: Secretary David Shulkin
Welcome to 1600 Daily’s Meet the Cabinet series, where we showcase members of President Trump’s Cabinet.

Meet Secretary David Shulkin

President Trump and Secretary Shulkin announce Veteran telehealth initiatives designed to provide greater access and care
President Trump and Secretary Shulkin announced three initiatives that will expand access to health care for Veterans across the country. Using telehealth technology and mobile applications, the VA will connect with more Veterans to provide services where they live.
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Hasil gambar untuk The VA expands transparency and accountability efforts
The VA expands transparency and accountability efforts 
Secretary Shulkin announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs is taking a further step on transparency and accountability as a follow-on to the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act signed by President Trump. The department is making public a list of adverse employee actions taken since January 20. This information is posted at will be updated weekly.
IMAGE: Fred Downs and Artie McAuley are the first Veterans to receive the LUKE arm, the world’s most advanced commercial prosthetic
Secretary Shulkin unveils world’s most advanced commercial prosthesis
Dr. Shulkin, M.D. unveiled the world’s most advanced commercial prosthetic — the Life Under Kinetic Evolution (LUKE) arm — during a visit to the VA New York Harbor Health Care System’sManhattan campus.
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Hasil gambar untuk The VA expands transparency and accountability efforts
The VA makes wait times for patients transparent for Veterans 
Veteran Affairs is taking unprecedented steps to increase transparency. The VA launched a new Access and Quality Tool that provides Veterans with an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand way of accessing patient wait time and quality of care data. This tool not only provides Veterans with more information about VA services, it increases accountability and ensures VA is held to a higher standard.

Photo of the Day

Secretary Shulkin joined President Trump at the White House last week to make a major announcement on Telehealth. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Coming Up This Month

Hasil gambar untuk The VA expands transparency and accountability efforts
This month, Secretary Shulkin will be attending the American Legion National Convention, as well as visiting the VA medical facilities in Nevada and Montana. In September, the Secretary will speak to the National Association of State Directors for Veterans Affairs.

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