Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017


WHRTo : <>Date : Fri, 04 Aug 2017 21:16:37 +0700 Subject : Giving Our Veterans the Care They Deserve

The President’s Weekly Address

Hasil gambar untuk President Trump Participates in a Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth Event
Giving Our Veterans the Care They Deserve 
Yesterday, President Trump and Secretary David Shulkin announced three initiatives that will expand access to health care for Veterans across the country. Using telehealth technology and mobile applications, the VA will connect with more Veterans to provide services where they live.
Watch the announcement
Vice President Pence’s Trip to Europe                                
Vice President Pence has returned from Eastern Europe after a successful week advancing President Trump’s America First agenda and strengthening our partnerships in the region.                                                                                         Watch the video
Ivanka Trump and Kellyanne Conway Host Listening Session With Military Spouses
Ivanka Trump and Kellyanne Conway, along with Secretary Acosta and Administrator McMahon, hosted a listening session with military spouses from various branches of the military, discussing the challenges they face with finding and retaining employment
Read more

Photo of the Day

Marine One | August 3, 2017 (Official White House Shealah Craighead)


Today, President Trump and Vice President Pence will participate in a briefing on Hurricane Season at FEMA Headquarters, followed by lunch together at the White House. Later this evening, the Vice President will deliver remarks to Young America’s Foundation 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference in D.C.
THE WHITE HOUSE US-WhiteHouse-Logo.svg MHI 

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