Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017


WHR 1To : <>Date : Thu, 03 Aug 2017 20:58:55 +0700 Subject : Jobs are Coming Back
Today, American Dream Week continues at the White House. President Donald J. Trump is focused on empowering every American to achieve their dreams. Under the President’s leadership, optimism is skyrocketing, jobs are coming back, and the economy is revving up.
Hasil gambar untuk Donald Trump speaks during an announcement on immigration reform accompanied by Tom Cotton and David Perdue
Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy 
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump, alongside U.S. Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue, announced legislation that would represent the most significant reform to our immigration system in half a century. The Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act will create a merit-based immigration system that protects our workers, our taxpayers, and our economy.
Watch the video
Vice President Pence in Montenegro 
Yesterday, Vice President Pence concluded his trip abroad to Eastern Europe. His last stop was Montenegro, where he made remarks at the Adriatic Charter Summit. “The bond between the United States and Europe has been, is now, and always will be essential — for we are stronger together than we will ever be apart.”
Watch the video
Gambar terkait
Dow Jones Industrial Average Reaches All-time High 
On Wednesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached an all-time high of over 22,000, up over 4,000 points since the election. Under the Trump Administration, consumer confidence is soaring.
Read the article

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump, Senator Tom Cotton, and Senator David Perdue | August 2, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Hasil gambar untuk the President participate in a Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth Event at the White House
Today, the President will participate in a Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth Event at the White House. Watch live at 11:30am EST.

Coming Up This Week

Hasil gambar untuk President Trump join a Hurricane Briefing at FEMA Headquarters
Tomorrow, President Trump will join a Hurricane Briefing at FEMA Headquarters. Later in the afternoon, he will participate in an intellectual property event at the White House.

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