Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017



“Jeff Sessions coming to Miami to praise county for dropping ‘sanctuary’ policy”

– Douglas Hanks in the Miami Herald
The Miami Herald reports Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be in Miami today, praising the county and endorsing Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez for reversing its course on being considered a “sanctuary” community. The Herald reports Mr. Sessions “will contrast Miami-Dade’s approach to ‘sanctuary policies’ with that of cities like Chicago, which are defying the Trump administration’s demand that local jails extend detentions of people suspected of immigration violations.”
The Washington Times editorial board writes there are “encouraging signs” that the Trump administration’s regulatory rollback is helping put the economy back on track, and that passing the RAISE Act could provide even more economic relief to American families and workers.
Hasil gambar untuk Pitney Bowes CEO: Tax Overhaul Vital To U.S., Connecticut
In Connecticut’s Hartford Courant, Pitney Bowes’ President and CEO Marc Lautenbach makes the case for why American businesses of all sizes need tax reform, saying a “failure to pass tax reform this year could disrupt” the economy’s current “positive momentum.”
OPINION | Why Trump is better for black America than Obama ever was
In The Hill, economist Stephen Moore touts the economic progress that black Americans have made under the Trump administration so far, writing that the President is “delivering positive results” in “creating jobs, higher incomes and trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged child in America,” calling it “a pretty darn good civil rights record.”
Editorial cartoon on President Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio and presidential pardon
Editorial cartoon on automation and the economyEditorial cartoon on minimum wage and businesses
In U.S. News and World Report, the Manhattan Institute’s Diana Furchtgott-Roth writes that the President is standing up to China by helping American companies fight intellectual property theft. She writes, “It’s about time that China was taken to task, not just for intellectual property violations, but for making it difficult for American companies to operate within China.”

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