Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017



“Donald Trump and Nikki Haley chalk up a victory on North Korea and China”

– Editorial Board, Washington Examiner
Hasil gambar untuk Donald Trump and Nikki Haley chalk up a victory on North Korea and China
The Washington Examiner’s editorial board writes that the United Nations imposing new sanctions on North Korea in response to Kim Jong Un’s repeated testing of ballistic missiles “is a big win for President Trump.” The editorial board pens: “Deploying diplomacy backed by the credible use of force, he and his UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, were able to rally the entire 15-member UN Security Council into concerted action. While these sanctions won’t alone bring Kim Jong Un to serious negotiations, they will cause him real pain.”
President Trump, flanked by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, left, and Vice President Mike Pence, in March. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press)
The Los Angeles Times reports President Trump will get briefed on the opioid epidemic on Tuesday. A commission the President appointed to study the epidemic, headed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, “recommended last week that Trump declare a national emergency,” the paper wrote.
Norquist: 6 reasons Congress shouldn't have any trouble passing tax reform
Illustration on tax reform by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
In The Hill, Americans for Tax Reform’s Grover Norquist highlights six reasons to be optimistic on tax reform, including the fact that “the Trump/GOP tax proposal is very pro-family and helpful to middle class voters.” And in The Washington Times, the Heritage Foundation’s Ed Feulner writes that tax cuts and tax reform are a needed step to “unleash economic growth and prosperity.”
Kelly Wright has the details
On the issue of sanctuary cities, Steve Cortes in Fox News argues Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel “would rather posture for liberal elites than enforce the law – or fix his city.” Meanwhile, the Miami Herald reports that Miami-Dade has complied with the Trump administration to change its ‘sanctuary’ status, and as a result, will be “shielded from any loss of federal funds the Trump administration engineered as part of a broader effort to punish communities not cooperating on immigration detentions.”
Food stamps
In positive economic news, Breitbart reports that 1.1 million Americans have left the food stamp rolls since President Trump took office according to the latest USDA statistics.

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