Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017


WHR 1To : <>Date : Fri, 21 Jul 2017 21:15:24 +0700 Subject : America Will Be Safer, Stronger, and More Prosperous

The President’s Weekly Address

Made in America Week 
As the first ever Made in America Week comes to a close, it is clear that under President Donald J. Trump’s leadership, America will be safer, stronger, and more prosperous. Yesterday, Corning — a great American company — announced plans to investment $4 billion to create 4,000 high-tech manufacturing jobs right here in the United States.
Watch the Announcement
Hasil gambar untuk President Donald J. Trump's Six Months of America First
President Trump’s Six Months of America First
Just six months in office, President Trump has taken historic actions to honor the promises he made to the America people. On trade, taxes, immigration, and foreign affairs, President Trump and his Administration have put American workers and American families first.
See the list of accomplishments
USS Gerald R. Ford Commissioning
Tomorrow, the President will travel to Norfolk, Virginia, and attend the commissioning of the USS Gerald R. Ford, the world’s most advanced aircraft carrier and a marvel of American manufacturing and military might.
Watch Live

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump | July 20, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Hasil gambar untuk President Trump and Vice President Pence will welcome the survivors of the USS Arizona to the White House
Today, President Trump and Vice President Pence will welcome the survivors of the USS Arizona to the White House. In the afternoon, the Vice President will host a healthcare listening session.

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