Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017


WHR 2To : <>Date : Wed, 19 Jul 2017 01:23:55 +0700 Subject : Fighting for American workers and families
Made in America Product Showcase
Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump hosted 50 companies from each state to showcase American products as part of Made in America Week, reaffirming his dedication to fight on behalf of American workers and families. Products ranged from sandwiches, to wool blankets, to firetrucks; each business connected by the common thread of American excellence. The President stated that, “When we purchase products made in the USA, the profits stay here, the revenue stays here, and the jobs — maybe most importantly of all — they stay right here in the USA”.

Today’s Events

10:10 AM: Vice President Pence delivers the keynote address at the National Retail Federation’s Annual Retail Advocates Summit
Gambar terkait
10:30 AM: President Trump receives his daily intelligence briefing
Hasil gambar untuk President Trump meets with National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster,19 Jul 2017
11:00 AM: President Trump meets with National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster
11:30 AM: President Trump speaks with Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman by telephone
Hasil gambar untuk  President Trump and Vice President Pence have lunch with service members ,19 Jul 2017
12:30 PM: President Trump and Vice President Pence have lunch with service members
Hasil gambar untuk Vice President Pence participates in the Senate Republican Policy Lunch,19 Jul 2017
1:15 PM: Vice President Pence participates in the Senate Republican Policy Lunch
Hasil gambar untuk President Trump attends a Cabinet Affairs meeting ,19 Jul 2017
2:00 PM: President Trump attends a Cabinet Affairs meeting
2:00 PM: Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
Gambar terkait
2:15 PM: Vice President Pence participates in a series of meetings with lawmakers
Hasil gambar untuk Vice President Pence participates in a life insurers roundtable
4:30 PM: Vice President Pence participates in a life insurers roundtable

Photo of the Day

Made in America Product Showcase | July 17, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Evan Walker)


FACT: In Arizona, average premiums are up $4,800 since Obamacare was implemented.


Yesterday, President Trump kicked off the Made In America Showcase at the White House as a part of Made In America Week. The event displayed products from all 50 states that are “made in America”, the world standard for quality and craftsmanship.
To see more photos from the Made In America event, checkout our Flickr and Facebook.
Yesterday, Vice President Pence hosted Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.
Last night, Vice President Pence gave remarks at a Christians United for Israel event
Last night, President Trump issued a statement regarding the situation in Venezuela.

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