Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced the Senate will delay the August recess to work on critical issues facing the American people. This is the right decision for the American people, as Americans continue to suffer under Obamacare and need relief now more than ever. President Donald J. Trump remains committed to working with Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare and help fix America’s broken health care system.
Today’s Events

9:40 AM: Vice President Pence delivers remarks at the National Student Leadership Conference

2:10 PM: Vice President Pence arrives in Lexington, KY on Air Force Two
3:00 PM: Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

3:20 PM: Vice President Pence participates in a healthcare listening session with small business owners
4:20 PM: Vice President Pence delivers remarks at Bryant’s Rent-All

7:30 PM: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump depart Washington, D.C. en route to Paris, France
Photo of the Day
The White House | June 14, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)
FACT: Since 2013 average premiums on the individual market in Alaska have tripled – spiking by more than $8,000.

Vice President Pence will travel to Kentucky today to talk to small business owners about the need to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Today, President Trump will depart for Paris, France for meetings and celebrations with America’s oldest ally. The President will attend France’s annual Bastille Day celebrations, commemorating the 100th anniversary of American troops in WWI.
Yesterday, President Trump congratulated Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq on the liberation of Mosul by Iraqi Security Forces, which marks a major milestone in the fight against ISIS.

Senate Democrats have decided to obstruct President Donald J. Trump’s Administration, and the American people, by refusing to confirm President Trump’s qualified nominations.


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