Jumat, 14 Juli 2017


WWMD 1To : <>Date : Tue, 11 Jul 2017 04:07:09 +0700 Subject : 49 counties have zero options on the Obamacare exchange next year.

“What the CBO’s health care analysis doesn’t report”

– Joel L. Strom in The Washington Times
Illustration on the broader insurance choice created by the Republican Health plan by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
In The Washington Times today, Joel L. Strom argues because the Republican Obamacare replacement would expand individual tax credits and Health Savings Accounts, as well as deregulate and eliminate taxes passed on to consumers, Americans struggling under Obamacare’s skyrocketing costs, “would once again have meaningful healthcare choices. Once again they will be able to choose the doctor, plan and price they prefer.” Strom notes how 49 counties in the country do not have a single insurer offering plans in the Obamacare exchange next year. He also highlights Obamacare victims – those paying premiums five-times more expensive than their previous, canceled, Obamacare non-compliant plans.
Click here to read more.
Hasil gambar untuk Sen. Ted Cruz on health care reform: 'I believe we can get it done'
The Associated Press further details the Obamacare disaster by reporting, “the number of U.S. adults without health insurance has grown by some 2 million this year,” as recent coverage gains begin to erode. The losses “may be a reflection of rising premiums and dwindling choices in the insurance markets created under Obama.”
Trump photo for EDIT1, Sunday July 9
The praise for President Trump’s speech in Poland continues, with the Richmond Times-Dispatch editorial board writing that President Trump “delivered a remarkable speech in Warsaw,” and that “Trump explained America’s core values with an impassioned clarity that few recent presidents have matched.”
In this photo provided by the German Government Press Office (BPA), Donald Trump meets Vladimir Putin during the G20 Summit on July 7, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany.
Larry Kudlow, at CNBC pens President Trump has Putin “over a barrel” with aggressive energy policy and defense of the West. Mr. Kudlow called the Warsaw speech “brilliant” as it both defended Democratic values and took direct aim at Putin’s “energy bullying.”
Domestically, Bloomberg reports how President Trump is beginning the rightward shift of America’s courts, beginning with his appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch, and now extending into lower-court choices. Jonathan Adler, a conservative constitutional law professor at Case Western Reserve University told Bloomberg that Trump administration officials “know what they are looking for,” in filling these seats. Bloomberg View columnist Noah Feldman said, “these are better picks than one might have expected – maybe better than one could have hoped.”
In case you missed it, The Hill is reporting that more than half of former FBI Director Jim Comey’s private memos on President Trump contained classified material. “This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.”


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