Kamis, 29 Juni 2017


WHR 3To : <>Date : Tue, 27 Jun 2017 02:18:43 +0700 Subject : Your 1600 Daily
Obamacare’s record speaks for itself. Premiums continue to rise, millions remain uninsured, and insurance providers are fleeing the market faster than ever. Obamacare is failing the American people.President Donald J. Trump remains committed to working with Congress to repeal and replace the disaster that is Obamacare.

Today’s Events

10:30 AM: President Trump receives his daily intelligence briefing
1:00 PM: President Trump has lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley
1:30 PM: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer
Foto Vice President Mike Pence.
2:30 PM: Vice President Pence joins Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma for a listening session with victims of Obamacare – Watch
3:35 PM: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India
trump_us_india_99389_c0-229-5472-3419_s885x516DDUGTRKUIAAEfiPFoto Vice President Mike Pence.

4:15 PM: President Trump leads an expanded bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Modi
5:15 PM: President Trump gives joint statements with Prime Minister Modi – Watch
6:00 PM: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have dinner with Prime Minister Modi
7:30 PM: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in the departure of Prime Minister Modi

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump signs the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017 | June 23, 2017


FACT: When Obamacare was signed into law, CBO estimated that 23 million people would be covered in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2017. They were off by more than 100% – only 10.3 million people are covered by Obamacare.


On Friday, President Donald J. Trump signed the Department of Veteran Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, which will bring accountability back to the VA. This bill gives senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs the power to fire failing employees and establishes safeguards to protect those who reveal wrongdoing in the agency.
On Friday, Vice President Pence gave remarks at the Focus on the Family 40th Anniversary Celebration in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He congratulated the organization on their historic milestone and praised their efforts to strengthen the American Family.
Last week, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump hostedCongressional members and their families on the South Lawn for the annual Congressional Picnic.

West Wing Reads

In the Philadelphia Inquirer, Sen. Pat Toomey (R) praises the Senate repeal bill, writing that it “will help to drive down costs for everyone” and fulfill the promise to repeal Obamacare.
Today starts energy week at the White House. Bloomberg previews the week, particularly the President’s message of American “energy dominance” through increased exports. And The Wall Street Journalreports on the ripple effect the U.S. shale energy boom has had on the plastics and chemicals industries, including supporting jobs, increasing exports, and further supporting the U.S. economy.
Our nation has no time for delays in fixing our air traffic control system
In The Hill, former Reagan and Bush 43 Transportation Secretaries Norman Mineta and James Burnley write that now is the time to privatize the air traffic control system – a key initiative the President supports and that kicked off our infrastructure week earlier this month.

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