Kamis, 22 Juni 2017


WHR 3To : <>Date : Mon, 19 Jun 2017 23:46:41 +0700 Subject : Your 1600 Daily
Today, President Donald J. Trump will host a working session with technology leaders in the private sector to develop creative solutions that will streamline government services. Modernizing government is an enormous undertaking and requires the best minds working in concert toward providing services that are effective and cost-efficient.

Today’s Events

10:30 AM: President Trump receives his daily intelligence briefing
11:30 AM: President Trump and the First Lady welcome President Juan Carlos Varela and Mrs. Varela of Panama
11:35 AM: President Trump meets with President Varela
11:50 AM: President Trump has a working luncheon with President Varela
1:30 PM: Press Gaggle with Press Secretary Sean Spicer
5:00 PM: President Trump participates in an American Technology Council roundtable
6:00 PM: President Trump participates in an American Technology Council reception

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump signs the National Security Presidential Memorandum on Strengthening the Policy of the United States’ Toward Cuba | June 16, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


On Friday, President Trump visited Miami where he announced changes to United States’ policy toward Cuba.
On Friday, President Trump approved a Kansas disaster declaration and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State and local recovery efforts.
President Trump issued a statement on the passing of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
Last week, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced that the Department of Energy awarded six research contracts to accelerate U.S. supercomputing technology.
The application period for the Fall 2017 White House Internship Program closes this Friday, June 23. Interested applicants can apply here.

What We Are Reading

“Trump’s new measures are designed to exert more pressure on Havana to reform itself. … Trump is right to recalibrate this policy without jettisoning it wholesale.” – Miami Herald
Let’s support the president and send the message to Havana that if the military regime wants millions from America, its anti-American foreign policy and repression at home must change.” – Frank Calzon, Executive Director of the Center for a Free Cuba, in USA Today
***Editor’s note: In the June 15th edition of 1600 Daily, the attribution for The Des Moines Register op-ed should have been “Secretary Acosta in The Des Moines Register.”

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